Nike to open Fitness Studios.


Nike have announced they are to open the first of a series of studios later this year.

We have already seen Hermes, H&M, alo, Resolve and Aviator Nation deliver concept studios both as an addition to their brand offering or as pop-up location to grab media attention.

Nike will launch with two Californian locations the first will both be Nike Training Studios (NTS) with Nike Running Studios (NRS) to follow.

I will be keen to see if this is truly an attempt to enter the fitness studio market or a marketing project to create content for use across platforms. It will certainly attract the one and done influencers and the fitness tourists who will want to post their views of the studios, to their social media following, but have no intention of becoming a regular visitor. I would imaging mainstream media will also jump at the chance to feature this extension of the Nike brand.

Now while the marketing is suggesting all-inclusive the images representing the participants is very much the existing studio participant, if there is such a thing.

I think what the studio market and the rest of the Health Club sector, should be looking at is how Nike plan to deliver the experience. They have already indicated that it will be an experience that is focused on the Music (sound) Lighting (visual) and be delivered on the springy Nike Grind floor (kinaesthetic).

Whatever their intention, these studios will raise the expectations of all those who visit studios and may cause some existing participants the price they pay for their current offering.

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